Aliif Arief Homepage


By Aliif Arief · 1 minute

Do you still remember when we play together in 2011?

I am pretending weird monster or I think like a dinosaur, and you are pretending to be a princess.

I am chasing you and you are running away from me.

I don’t know why I remember it, but I think it’s a good memory.

Just a little memory but I don’t know why I still remember it and from day to day I more and more remember it.

Today I am still pretending to be a monster, but I am not chasing you anymore.

Because I know you are not a princess anymore, you are a queen now.

I promis today is my Breaking Change, I am not chasing you anymore cause I am chasing my dream.

I hope you are chasing your dream too…

and we can meet again in the future.


✍️ at 20:03 on December 8, 2024

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